Photography by Jet Black Squares

Redbourn Methodist Church

Welcome to the official website of Redbourn Methodist Church. The church is located in the Hertfordshire village of Redbourn and is a part of the West Herts & Borders Circuit.

Gathering together to pray, hear the bible being read and to share in singing and communion has been a focus of Christian communities for over 2000 years - but you can join us today! Find out what's on in the Worship & Fellowship section.

All are welcome to join us for our Lent Lunches on Fridays 14th, 21st and 28th March plus the 4th and 11th April. Lunch is served at 12.30pm.

There will also be a Walk of Witness on Good Friday (18th April) starting at St John Fisher Church on Dunstable Road and finishing at our church where coffee and hot cross buns will be served.

Worship & Fellowship

There are many ways to find your place with us at Redbourn Methodist Church and we'd love to see you.

December 2024 Church Services (10.30am)
Sunday 1st December - Rev Helen Roberts (Holy Communion)
Sunday 15th December - Roy Swanston (Carol Service)
Sunday 29th December- Rev Helen Roberts
January 2025 Church Services (10.30am)
Sunday 5th January - Rev Dr Sheryl Anderson
Sunday 19th January at 3pm - Rev Helen Roberts (Covenant Service)
February 2025 Church Services (10.30am)
Sunday 2nd February- Rev John Fellows
Sunday 16th February - Rev Helen Roberts (Holy Communion)
Our monthly Coffee Morning will be on Saturday 8th February (10am - 12 noon) so come and join us for coffee, cake and a chat in the Garden Room and please feel free to invite friends and neighbours.....the more the merrier! There is no charge but any donations are given to the Herts & Essex Air Ambulance.

Worship Music Video

Music and lyrics videos from John Watson's EP Praise, his Christmas EP New Star and John's renditions of famous hymns and carols.

You can enjoy more Music Videos on John's YouTube channel.

Find Us

Redbourn Methodist Church, North Common, Redbourn, Hertfordshire, AL3 7BU



Rev Helen Roberts
01582 713773

Senior Church Steward

Rhys David
01582 791666


Graham Craske
07791 494941

Worship Musician & Website Designer

John Watson
07990 574562

Safeguarding Officer

Helen Vereker
01582 793837

Data Protection

The Local Churches, Circuits and Districts within the Methodist Church in Great Britain respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information (personal data). For more information visit